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Awards and competitions
team of architects and engineers in Andorra
Pere Espuga Sorribes
Josep Maria Planes Obiols
Ramiro Martínez Juan
César Sánchez
Sabrina Vottero
Javier Torrents
Augusto Sanz
Cristian Jorge
Claustre Serra
José Bernardo López
Javier Andrés Fortunato
Vanessa Segura
Adrián Santes Genoves
Daniel Bautista Conejo
Axel Auzepy
Mario Fernández Suárez
Joan Farras
galerie of projects
(close projects)
Single Family House
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Detached Single-family house at Ctra. d'Aixirivall, 75
Single-family housing in the Trillà
Single family detached home in Plana de Morell, Ctra. dels Cortals, Anyós
Single-family housing in Carrer de les Escoles, Plot 2
Single-family housing in Cortals de Anyós, Urbanization The Oriosos
Single-family house on Carrer Francesc Escudé, 12
Two Single-Family Houses in Aixirivall
Renovation of single-family housing in Can Diumenge
Single family attached home at Sant Ermengol
Residential complex Biadés in Aixirivall
Unifamiliar house als Vilars
Set of Single Family Homes in Fontaneda
Single Family Home in Can Diumenge, Plot no. 38
Vivienda Unifamiliar en la Ctra. de la Rabassa
Renovation of Single Family Home in Organyà
Single Family Home in Mallorca
Renovation and extension of single-family housing in the Urbanization Camp Bernat
Renovation and extension of single-family housing on Ctra. from Peguera to Aixirivall
Single Family Desatached home in Certés
Single Family Home in Aixirivall
Renovation of Single Family Home in Asnurri
Multifamily Housing
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Multi-family housing CUBE building
Residential Building - Josep Jiménez
Multi-family housing Ermengol Serra
Abarset Multi-Family Housing Project - Collaboration with Mano Arquitectura
Residential Building - White Angel- Collaboration with Victor Rahola Architect
Housing complex Pleta of Ordino UA-22
A Tower - Island IX - Clot d'Emprivat - Collaboration with Ricard Mercadé / Aurora Fernández Architects
Set of Two Housing Towers - Island VII - Clot d'Emprivat
Set of Three Housing Towers - Island V - Clot d'Emprivat
Renovation of Hostal Andorrà
Buildings Houses, Commercial Premises and Parking in the Av. Virgen de Canòlich
Residential and Commercial Building in the Baixada del Molí
Residential, Commercial and Office Building on Av. Tarragona, 57
Reform and Expansion Old Hotel Valira
Residential building in Llorts
Residential Building on Princep Benlloch Street
Residential and Commercial Building in the Plaza de la Germandat
Les Molleres Residential Complex
Font Amagada Residential Building in Anyós
Residential and Commercial Building in Av. Enclar, Santa Coloma
Social housing La Solana, Urb. Sant Pere in Pas de la Casa
Housing Building in Les Arades, Av. Virgin of Canólich
Studio for residential complex Orals Parc
Residential building located at Coprínceps square, 3
Residential building in Prat de la Grau
Building of Multifamily Homes at Josep Viladomat Street
Building of Multifamily Homes at street de les Escoles, 2
Residential building on Av. Virgin of Canòlich, 38
Renovation to Casa Coto
Renovation of a Housing Building, del Cedre Street, 7, in Santa Coloma
Residential building in Llorts
Residential building at La Llacuna Street, 21
Tourist apartments in Organyà
Public Amenities
(close projects)
Expansion of the Margineda high school center
Nova Seu de la Justícia
New Seat of the General Council
New offices of the Government in Prat del Rull
Enlargement and Reform, Ordino Communal House
Integral reform of the Headquarters of the Spanish Embassy
Tobacco Museum in Sant Julià, Doctor Palau, 17, Street
Museum Camen Thyssen
Shelter guarded from the hut of Sorteny
Reform of the Guarded Refuge of Juclar
Reform of the Plaza de la Germandat
Reform and Expansion of the Ordino Sports Center
Playground in Terres Bogades, Nagol
Private Equipment
(close projects)
Three Football fields in La Massana
Reform Hotel Himalaia in Soldeu
Himalaya Hotel renovation at Pas de la Casa
Modern Cinema Reform and Expansion
Renovation Industrial Ship Saltoki
Two Football fields in Santa Coloma
Reform of the official BMW-MINI Dealership
Two ships at the Encamp petrol station
Service station in Shopping Center
Borda Casalé Reform - Mountain Hostel Tarter
Service station in Encamp
Service station on Av. Tarragona
Service station at the C.G.1, La Margineda
Complex for Cinemas and Commercial Premises in Santa Coloma
Parking and Leisure-Sports Complex, La Covanella
Before the project of the High Mountain Diving Center
Reforms and Sustainability
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Restoration of the facades of the Obac administrative building
Improved thermal facade, Building Doctor Palau Street, 48
Building insulation Street Doctor Palau, 11
Façade reform of Prada Casadet Building
Restoration and maintenance of the Hostal Palanques
Improved thermal facade, Building Av. Verge de Canòlich, 58
Facade reform in La Laguna Street, 2
Interior renovation of a house
(close projects)
Multi-family housing building
New General Council Headquarters Competition (First Prize)
Contest New Seat of Justice (First Prize)
New Contest government units in the Prat del Rull (First Prize)
Andorra National Stadium Competition (Second Prize)
Competition for social housing La Solana, Urb Sant Pere to Pas de la Casa (First Prize)
Urbanization Falgueró
Andorra High Performance Center (First Prize)
National Morgue and Wake Rooms Community Contest
Contest New Base of COEX (Third Prize)
Concurs reforma i ampliació conjunt d'edificis d'Andorra Telecom
Contest to build the plot El Trillà 4 (Second Prize)
Competition POLIS - OLYMPUS (Second Prize)
Contest Orals Parc (Second Prize)
Concurs Avantprojecte Edifici els Planells, Arcalís (Primer Premi)
Competition Purifying plant Andorra (Second Prize)
Concurs Avantprojecte Heliport Andorra a La Comella (Primer Premi)
Contest of social housing in La Borda de Sales (First Prize)
Student Residence and Hostel in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
Student Residence, Bolivarian University of Medellin - Colombia
Student Residence, Rosario - Argentina
(close projects)
Commercial Building and Offices Montclar
UIF - Offices Financial Intelligence Unit
Banca Reig Headquarters
Office of Architecture and Engineering - ENGITEC, SA
Bank branch on Av. Virgin of Canolich
INAF Offices - Andorran National Institute of Finance
POLIS - OLYMPUS project study
Bank branch reform on Passeig de Gracia, 85
Bank Branch on Av. Prada Ramón
Reform Offices Crowe Horwath Alfa Capital, located at the Onix Building in Av. Meritxell
Llaberia Dental Clinic
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(close projects)
Footbridge of union between Avda. Meritxell and the roof of the UNNIC center through the Roc dels Escolls
Deviation from Sant Julià de Lòria: Section between Link E2 and the connection bridge with the CG1
Road between the village of Sornàs and the village of Ansalonga
Extension and beautification of General Road 1
Extension and rectify the C.G. Núm.3 of Mines de Llorts
Extension and rectify the C.G. Núm.4 in the area of the Borda del Colat and new bridge over the river Arinsal
Extension and rectify the C.G.2 and modification of the crossing at the height of Gasopas - Phase 1
Link Toulouse Tunnel dos Valires, Phase III
Deviation in Encamp, Phase 1
Pont sobre el Riu Valira de Orient, Zona del Parc de la Mola
Eix de la C.G.3, Tram Sortida Escaldes-Túnel Artificial
Desviació a Encamp, Fase 2
Canalització del Marge Esquerre del Riu a Arinsal
Pont sobre el Riu Gran Valira, al Carrer Prat Salit
Rotonda de Gir a la C.G. núm. 1, Zona Frontera Espanyola
Col.lector General, Aigües Residuals
Desviació a Encamp Rotonda Enllaç C.G. núm. 2 - Zona Mirador
Rotonda Enllaç de la C.G. núm. 2 amb la C.S. dels Cortals
Eixampla i Rectificació C.G. núm. 3 Tram. Serra de Honor
Rotonda de Gir, Zona Cruïlla de la C.G. núm. 1 amb la C.S. de Bixessarri
Eixample i Rectificació, C.G. 2 Tram Roc de Sant Miquel a Soldeu
Viaducte sobre el Riu Ariège
Rotonda Caldea Cruïlla - Josep Viladomat i Esteve Albert
Rotonda Cruïlla de la C.G.3 amb la C.S. 335, Aldosa
Eixampla i Rectificació, Carretera General 1, PK 8 889.328 al PK 9 385, Zona de Tolse
Accés Rodat per a Habitatge Unifamiliar
Modificació de la Rasant C.G.1 des de PK 9 380 fins al PK 9 800
Eixample i Rectificació Carretera General 2 Tram Riu de la Vall del Riu, Bordes Aldosa
Desviació de la Massana, Rotonda Pont de Palanques a Pont Arinsal
Urbanització a la Zona del Tremat
Pont sobre el Riu Valira de Orient, Zona Escoles Encamp
Desviació de la Massana, Tram 4 - Fase 1
Estudi per a Depuradora a Andorra
Eixample i rectificació de la CG3, Av. del Través
Eixample de l'encreuament de la CG.3 amb la CS. 321, Sispony
Structures building and civil engineering
(close projects)
Parking Camp del Ceró
Central Waste Treatment Andorra in La Comella
Reforma i Ampliació Cinemes Modern (Fase Estructura)
Nova Seu del Consell General (Fase Estructura)
Habitatges Socials al Pas de la Casa (Fase estructura)
Ampliació i Reforma de Tramits Casa Comuna Ordino (Fase Estructura)
Geology and geotechnical
(close projects)
Excavació Nova Seu del Consell General
Excavació Edifici Oficines Montclar
Excavació per edificis de Vivendes, Font Amagada (Anyós)
Excavació per Projecte de Vivendes Socials, al Pas de la Casa
Excavació d'estació de serveis
Excavació per a projecte d'aparcaments, locals comercials i vivendes
Excavació per a edifici de Vivendes i Habitatges a LLorts
(close projects)
Tunnel widening of Old Sant Antoni
Desviació de Sant Julià de Lòria, Tram 2
Hydrology and hydraulics
(close projects)
Projecte de construcció d'una bassa de reg a Fontaneda
Facilities projects
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Enllumenat Pùblic Desviació a Encamp Fase 1
Instal·lacions de la Seu Social de Banca Reig
Instal.lacions Centre Esportiu Ordino
Instal.lacions Edifici Habitatges Plurifamiliar, C/ de les escoles núm. 2
Enllumenat dels Túnels Vells de Sant Antoni
Instal.lacions Centre de Tractament de Residus Andorra SA, a La Comella
Instal.lacions Edifici de Locals Comercials i Oficines, Montclar
Instal.lacions Noves Dependències de Govern al Prat del Rull
Instal.lacions Ampliació i Reforma de Tràmits Casa Comuna Ordino
Instal.lacions Edifici Habitatges a les Arades, Av. Verge de Canòlich
Instal.lacions Habitatge Unifamiliar al Trillà
Instal.lacions de Nau Industrial
Instal.lacions Refugi Guardat, de Juclar
Instal.lacions de Restaurant Xuca 3 Estanys, Estació Esquí Grau Roig
Instal.lacions Edifici de Habitatges i Oficines a la Plaça de la Germandat
Instal.lacions Museu del Tabac de Sant Julià, C/ Doctor Palau núm. 17
Instal.lacions per a edifici de Vivendes i Locals Comercials, a la Baixada del Molí
Projecte instal.lacions, reforma i ampliació Cinemes Modern
Projecte d'instal.lacions per a edifici unifamiliar a la Plana de Morell, Ctra. dels Cortals, Anyós
Projecte d'instal.lacions de la Nova Seu del Consell General
Facilities in building restoration project: restaurant 120
Project of facilities branch Andbank, AV. Verge de Canòlich
Facilities for single-family house in Cortals Anyós, the Oriosos.
Facilities for Sheltered Shelter of the borda of Sorteny
Facilities for the comprehensive reform of the headquarters of Spanish Embassy
Facilities for reform single-family house in Can Diumenge
Single-family house in Aixirivall facilities
Facilities and improvement equipment, National Auditorium of Andorra
Improvement of the safety of the data processing center of the plant Business Center 3rd
Facilities of three multi-purpose, private rooms in the building of the business centre - Andbank
Facilities Restaurant Fundfood - Espiolets (Soldeu)
Facilities Restaurant La Cabana, Pla dels Espiolets (Soldeu)
Facilities in the Supermarket Antar
Facilities saved refuge of Comapedrosa
Propane Gas Network, Carrer Major - Av. Encamp
Facilities reform old house Ca l' Aern
Facilities housing Casa Coto
(close projects)
Derived Planning
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General Planning
(close projects)
Drafting of the Review of the Parish Urban Planning Plan d'Escaldes-Engordany
Drafting of the Review of the Parish Urban Planning Plan d'Andorra La Vella
news on Architecture and engineering
Architecture ENG
(see news)
The Council opens house
Engineering ENG
(see news)
(see news)
Engitec ENG
(see news)